United Methodist Church
“Embracing those inside and reaching out to those outside to make and nurture disciples of Jesus Christ
with love and laughter.”
How to Link In!
If you've never attended Felton-Viola UMC there are several ways to get connected.
1. "Plug in" to our online community:​
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/feltonviolaumc
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@felton-violaumc7827
Discord: https://discord.gg/Xjbv4Vqwxy
2. Attend one of our events.
All our events are open to the public so be bold and join us.
3. Request a pastoral visit or appointment.
Pastor Christine is happy to meet with you to talk about the church, its mission and congregation. Know this, we are an inclusive and affirming church and ALL are welcome and safe with us!
4. Come to worship.
We have 2 services on Sunday morning and other special services throughout the year. Watch for information here on the website, on our Facebook page, or in our Discord server.
Where do I park?
There is a small amount of parking in the lot in back of the church building. You may also park on the street or at the fire house one block west of the church.
How should I dress?
You will see both casual and more formal attire in each of the services on Sunday morning.
Are the worship services easy to follow?
Yes. Most services will use the hymnal for prayers, responsive readings and singing. There are no bulletins but clear directions will be given from the presider.
How long do worship services last?
Services are typically 35-45 minutes long.
How long are the sermons?
The sermons typically last about 10 minutes.
What is a Lighthouse Congregation or a Reconciling Ministry?
We have been recognized as a Lighthouse Congregation and as a Reconciling Ministries Network Congregation. This basically means we are committed to remaining an inclusive, affirming United Methodist Church, and we are a church who welcomes UMC members during times of transition. You can learn more about these classifications here:
Will I be singled out as a newcomer?
No. You will not be singled out, but you will likely be approached and welcomed by members of the church and/or the pastor.
Will I be expected to give money?
We believe that presenting our tithes and offerings to God through the church is an act of worship, and offering plates are made available for this purpose at each worship service. Giving is not required but is encouraged as a sign of discipleship.
May I celebrate communion even though I'm not a member?
The United Methodist Church believes the communion table is the Lord's table, not ours; therefore, we practice "open communion." This means that all who love Jesus Christ, who earnestly repent of their sin, and who seek to live in peace with others are invited to participate--regardless of church affiliation. We offer communion in each service on the first weekend of the month.
Are the facilities handicapped friendly?
Somewhat. The building is accessible through the rear door by wheelchair. We are currently worshiping in the fellowship hall but there is an elevator available to transport people to the sanctuary on the second floor. This is one of the main reasons we are working to construct a new facility on our Canterbury Road property.
Is there a nursery or other activities for small children?
Childcare is usually available at the 10am service but is not currently staffed at the other service. A Safe Sanctuaries policy helps to ensure a wholesome and secure environment for everyone. Children are always welcome in our worship services! We believe that Jesus’ directive to his disciples: “Let the children come to me” (Matthew 19:14), directs us in corporate worship. We want our children--regardless of age--to grow up in the presence of their whole church family, learning congregational worship by the example of parents and other elders.
Find a Place to Fit!
Host Your Group
Is your group or organization looking for a place to meet?
Contact us about meeting space at very reasonable pricing.
Contact the church office at 302.284.3590